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We offer a range of courses via online training, allowing you and your dogs to train at times convenient to you. Once signed up you will have life time access to the course. Courses are suitable from puppies to the oldies.  

Having taught scent work for years, I have found that the biggest struggle for my clients is building a good freeze indication. Dogs are naturally born to be good at searching but in the world of scent work a dogs indication when they find the odour is very important.

Dogs each have their own natural indication, their body language will change when they are onto the odour however this can take time and practise for their handler to notice the subtle changes. If your dog has a solid indication when on the odour then you will be confident to call 'Alert'. 

We want to odour to become a cue to the dog to offer a behaviour and in this case the odour should cue the dog to perform a freeze indication. 


Buy today for lifetime access! 


This a fun and interactive course where you and your dog will learn the skills of scentwork. By the end of the course, your dog will confidently be able to search for the target odour and do a passive indication. Equipment list provided once booked. 

The odour that the dogs will be searching for is Red Kong, this will need to be purchased once enrolled on the course.

This course is a self led course, you will be given access to a private Facebook group where you can get support during the course. You will have lifetime access to this course.

This course is suitable for dogs of all ages, from young puppies to the older generation.

From experience I find that online learning is much better for some dogs as they don't have to attend a distracting class environment, this course can be done from the comfort of their own home.

Introduction to Scentwork

Scentwork- Freeze Indiccation

Whistle Recall- Supercharge your dogs recall

Learn how to train a whistle recall. A whistle recall is a must in my recall tool kit. If done and used properly the whistle will always be something special to your dog.

This course is a self-led course and you will have lifetime access to this course.

This course is suitable for dogs of all ages, from young puppies to the older generation.


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Straight-Forward Scent Work

I teamed up with Sarah Whitehead to bring you this 'Straight-Forward Scent Work' course. This course teaches you how to start scentwork with your dog. It's super easy and lots of fun. This course is suitable for any dog, any age and any breed.

Normal price- £55 (Grab this course for only £15 from Boxing day until noon on 4th January 2024

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